
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Speaking of performance spaces

Royal Victoria Pavilion in 1905
And while performance is in the air, here's a picture of the Pavilion, shortly to be even more underused and unloved when Grosvenor Casinos relocate to Westwood Cross in the New Year. The card itself dates from September 1905, only two years after the Pavilion was built, and it shows both the history and potential. As well as the main concert hall inside, there are cafes and terraces, windows and doors, all the things that are missing now. This is a building that could support a dozen different small businesses and activities, especially when the Pleasurama site finally becomes a source of people and activity (love it or loathe it, it must happen eventually!).

The entry on the Images of England web site records that it was "Designed in 1 week, to be built in 6 weeks in time for the 1903 season". Clearly there was a slightly more dynamic approach to building in those days!

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