
Monday, November 26, 2007

Seaside Postcard 32: Sinking under the weight

Ramsgate Comic PostcardAnother week, another postcard. I'm starting to suspect that postcard designers have something against us comfortably built types. They certainly seem to think we like the seaside - well, that certainly is true...

A day trip to Dunkirk on Saturday, costing a whopping £19.00 on Norfolkline, and on a swedish-designed ferry that actually seems to understand that passengers need to be treated nicely. Comfortable furnishings, no plastic anywhere, and panoramic windows at the front so you get an amazing view from the restaurant. Auchan (Dunkirk has France's biggest one) at least the equal of LeClerc and Carrefour, and as usual we needed at least another hour's shopping to do it justice. I now have loyalty cards from all three, to go with my Tesco, Nectar and Homebase cards. Ready for shopping anywhere, anytime...

And Paris next week, mmmmm.....


Michael Child said...

Zumi enjoying these old humorous postcards, as I have been since you started putting them up, I wonder if we ought to conspire on a publication of them in book form.

ZumiWeb said...

You've read my mind! I've been thinking for ages there's a glaring gap in your publication schedule begging to be filled by a book of Ramsgate funnies. I have about 50 now, how many postcards make a book? I expect you've got a few (although I've done my bext to outbid you for many of them). I'll pop in and see you on Saturday as I am now suffering the horrors of a proper job, which started today, and it'll take me a little while to compose myself...