I think this one dates to before the First World War, and was clearly intended to make it very clear that if you weren't on holiday, you were missing out on a very very good time!
Hopefully they will last a little while, because the Thanet microclimate isn't being exactly reliable at the moment.
Has anyone been to any of these? Are they nice? Margate has a few more, a total of nine in fact, including Margate Swamp (South Carolina, since you ask) but I can't find another Broadstairs (well it is a very exclusive location, after all), or another Thanet for that matter. And 180 results for Kent, but that's for another day . . .
Good thing - old K6 telephone boxes down by the harbour, nice shape, friendly reassuring presence. Bad thing - tatty condition, missing bits of glass, not as loved as they should be. Slightly surprising thing - they are Grade II Listed. A search of the English Heritage database shows 2,039 entries for a search of Telephone Kiosk. So not exactly rare then... but hang on, a search for "pair of telephone kiosks" shows only 35, so quite exclusive really.
And quite how the sun can be shining on Harbour Parade whilst the pier head is obscured by an icy fog in the middle of an afternoon in June is a mystery, to me anyway. I'm used to sea frets, but there's just no need for it after the week we've had, it's soooo unnecessary...