The Library rebuild is clearly progressing well, with a new modern framework sprouting amongst the old remains - whether that will be reflected in the drive to embed council services within a library setting and therefore destroy the ethos, ambience and effectiveness of a libary service remains to be seen. Certainly there are mixed feelings about Margate's new Gateway reported in the press, and as a librarian I think there should be a slightly clearer separation of services to enable both to be delivered to their best advantage. Sharing a building is one thing, sharing floorspace is quite another in a setting where calm, concentration and privacy can be beneficial (and that refers to both library and council operations...).

Interesting to see a tug on the slip at the harbour, getting an overhaul and repaint. A very chunky propellor in a protective housing which presumably helped it get through the sand bar at the entrance to the harbour. It takes a particularly brilliant council management to identify that dredging needs to be improved, and then as their first response to sell off the existing dredger, and only then start a long and protracted search for a replacement.

At least the scaffolding contractor will be pleased at progress with the Pleasurama development. I'm not sure the works entrance is going to do a lot for the trade of the catering cabins on the roundabout but at this stage it's a bit like my response to the Turner thingy - do anything, just get on with it, at least we'll have something better than the mess we have now. It could have been so much better, but maybe the next generation will get it right...

Annoyingly, I missed the auction of the casino's contents last week. Poker cbips, chandeliers and all. And now of course there's a for sale sign. Is this for the entire building as the councol has no need for it? Or just the unexpired portion of the lease of the casino's half? With Eastcliff Matters reporting a list of council properties now 'surplus to requirements' and therefore under threat from whatever seems expedient/profitable, it'll be interesting to see which offshore-registered yet strangely influential developers get their hands on this one...

It's not all gloom - at least Crusties is open again (even if they didn't have my favourite rum truffles yesterday) after the fire-forced refurbishment.
Nicely done that blogger. A great photo review and a good summary of current issues. Cheers.
Hmm, thanks Matt, but I just wish I had something original to say! Same old issues, over and over again...
It's good to see the library finally getting some kind of structure to it, although it will be a shadow of what it used to be, and to a lesser extent i's great to see Crusties back open. Someother businesses would use the fire as a fortunate excuse to ship out, leaving the shop derelict like so many others.
The list of council properties for sale is also very interesting and one can't help but wonder how long it will be until the words 'luxury flats' will be mentioned in the same breath as those properties and locations.
Zumi I gather that it’s just the unexpired portion of the lease, having seen the state of the building I am surprised that TDC haven’t served a dereliction order on the owners. Nice post by the way and interesting even if you know about the issues already.
lets see the council are thinking of moving the maritime museum away from where it is today and in a recent tv interview the leader stated that if it does move it will move to Albion house which we now know is surplus to the council. So know will the museum go??????
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