Yet another fish-related card, this one by the master himself, Donald McGill. One of his earlier cards, this was sent from 4 Spencer Square, posted in 1910. Etty, who sent the card to St Johns, in South East London, was clearly having a fine old time: "Talk about boys, Mum's the word". Happy days.
Speaking of things fishy, the local sagas are getting ever so interesting what with illicit demolition attempts on listed buildings- for the full story (or as much as is publicly known so far) check out the two leading local blogs Eastliff Richard and ThanetOnline, with some informed input from Eastcliff Matters. The great thing about the bloggy world isn't just the blogs themselves, it's the comments they draw out - in this case we have interventions from councillors and architects, as well as reminiscences and real history from a previous owner of the building. Fascinating, in sad and angry-making sort of way.
The less great thing about the bloggy world is the speed at which people lose their temper, or the way they lack restraint when replying. I nearly had my head bitten off for a comment on ThanetLife (about China, human rights and international trade - interesting, huh?). I've always found Simon's management and writing of the blog reasonable (given his obvious leanings as a councillor and Conservative - nothing wrong with that in itself, but it does influence viewpoints somewhat), but he has quite an angry readership, it seems to me. Very quick to snarl and shout, and even he himself has a somewhat lively response whenever ECR helpfully lobs one of his little spiky comments in to the mix. Fun to read, if slightly worrying - are you all like this down the pub or at work? It must be exhausting... or maybe I'm just too sensitive.
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