
Monday, July 02, 2007

Boys' toys...

A busy weekend coming up - The Tour de France, A Vegan Fair (St Lawrence Parish Hall on Saturday if you're interested) and slightly noisier, the 2007 Ramsgate Powerboat Grand Prix. Souvenir programmes in shops around town, so you can see the full range of fun - the noise might even drown out the Jumbo jet!

Powerboat Grand Prix brochure

One slight quibble - there's always one - the course map shows Kent International as London Manston Airport. Given that this company went bust two years ago, and the airfield has been known as Kent International since 1989 (according to Wikipedia anyway), isn't it time this map was changed? Unless they know something that we don't of course...

Powerboat Grand Prix brochure

Still, you can expect a picture or two after the weekend, weather permitting. Can't promise pictures of vegans or cyclists, but one or two of powerboats, yup, definitely.

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