
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Seaside Postcard 51: Wonderful...

Ramsgate comic postcards
A blustery day, severe gale force winds predicted and disrupted ferry services on the cards. Flood warnings are starting to pop up as well... Maybe not ideal conditions for a wonderful day, but we can hope...

And if you feel like scaring yourself, pop over to the Environment Agency Flood Warnings page. Nothing much for the South-East, which is a relief - we just get the wind here. But there are severe weather warnings for our region from the Met Office, with a 60% risk of disruption - and today's weather for the South-Eastfrom the Met Office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it is clearly a wet and windy day today. I'm thinking of indulging and getting a cab rather than walking to collect my kiddies.